Friday, January 29, 2010

pecks & fans, 1

220 friends in 3 days is what i got at facebook. not bad indeed, considering its a merging of my 4 different worlds.


its only been 72 hours and i can understand why its addicting. ive found a lot of people that i have lost touch of, from elementary school classmates to old flings.

plus, ive made new friends through friends. no wonder its called social networking.

and its fun going through the pages of friends. ive found that there are some surprises every now and then, especially in their media sections (fotos and videos). i know now whos supporting noynoy and who is supporting villar, jejejejeje.

i have just uploaded terrabytes of material myself, stuff that ive been meaning to share for the longest time but havent got around to doing. facebook (fb) makes it easier, and fun.

i like the interface between iPhoto too. very user friendly. the chat feature is cool, and i read theres video chat already (havent gotten around to that yet).

the fan sites are cool, giving me a whole lot of ideas.


of course there's a downside. what doesnt, eh?

first off is the rather unstable publishing part. i have lost captions and postings not a few times, and its only been 3 days!

maybe its because im such a noobie that i havent found out the right way to go about doing stuff in fb.

the interface for keeping track of comments is awkward. for instance, have to keep on revisiting each of my photos so i can reply to comments if i want to because i cant from the wall, or from the comment summary page.

there should be a way to categorize my friends list (not just for chat), instead of just the alphabetical listing. then i can send a message or notice only to that sub-group. i just learned about tagging so maybe theres a solution there somewhere.

then there's the pillow fights and mafia wars and farmville clutter. im a very online person, and ive been using computers intensively and extensively but i have never gotten the hang of games.

and i visit friends pages and i see theyre filled up with gifts (which im supposed to accept and return) and extra harvest notices and such. at least theyre not like those really annoying chain text messages that warn me that something bads gonna happen to me unless i pass it on to x number of people! but still....

so, sorry to all if i ignore these okay? its not personal, jejejejejeje.

bottomline: im havin a real good time! hope you are too!

ciao for now.

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